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Here And Now

Let’s talk about something cool from the land of the rising sun.

Ever heard of "Yojijukugo"? 

No worries, it’s not a sushi roll.

It’s actually a cool Japanese thing — four-character phrases, packed with big meaning.

One of my faves?



“One time, one meeting.” 

Or if you’re feeling fancy, “Once in a lifetime.”

Sure, it's often linked to the tea ceremony, but its message stretches far beyond that. 

It’s a nudge to treasure every moment and every interaction.

It’s about seizing the day, Carpe Diem style. 

You see, every chat, every meet-up, every coffee break—they're all like rare Pokémon. 

Once you snag 'em, poof! 

Gone forever.

So, slow down.

Because in the whirlwind of life, these encounters are like shooting stars—blink, and you'll miss 'em.

PS. Do you struggle to set yourself apart from your competitors? Does your tone of voice lack a little personality? Either way, get in touch and I’ll help you become remarkable. Or get more communication advice that doesn't suck here.

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